Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil


Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - Sunday, October 23, 2022

STUDIO W. 6 Bourke St, Woolloomooloo

JOIN THE ARTIST ON SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 3 - 5PM This exhibition of paintings takes as its subject the turning of the day, the ever- changing effects of the light on the sky, sea and land. As human creatures we are finely attuned to the rhythms of the day and the seasons. We read the light. And we read into it. The dawn and the dusk are particularly evocative of emotional responses within us. The dying of the day can arouse a heightened awareness of our mortality, the impermanence of things and the mystery of life. The light of dawn often induces states of wonder, of possibility and renewal. Every day the world is reborn. Thus the landscape becomes a vehicle for inner reflection. In the past few years I have spent many hours walking, observing the beauty of the Bellingen environment in which I live. I’ve done a lot of cloud gazing. I have also been drawn to the sea, its changeability yet timeless endurance. The world is very precarious at present, but there are moments when a timelessness can be felt in nature which is very healing, hopeful. I have tried to capture some of these moments of the eternal present and I hope they will resonate with you.