Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - Sunday, November 26, 2023

Frances Keevil at Studio W - 6 Bourke Street, Woolloomooloo Wed - Sun, 11 am - 6 pm

JOIN THE ARTISTS ON SATURDAY 28TH OCTOBER, 4 - 6PM Penelope Oates and Darren Oates Figments is a celebration of two very different art disciplines and material approaches to both form and surface and references our respective need to re-interpret forms and textures from our natural surrounds. From locally sourced timbers Darren Oates begins his design process with a pencil and paper in hand working intuitively to arrive at forms that mirror shapes found in nature. His beautifully hand- crafted bespoke timber furniture pieces and sculptural forms come very much from his own imagination, where simplicity of form belies the complexity of creating curved timber forms with exquisitely smooth surfaces. Penelope Oates works exclusively on MDF boards that are primed and sealed in an oil-based acrylic, giving her the best surface to etch into with her heated soldering iron. The introduction of an etching tool into her practice has now become the lead actor in her repertoire, allowing her to transform the smooth surface of MDF board into a tactile surface of overlapping, textural marks. Trees have always featured heavily in Penelope’s work, this fascination began early with many trips to the NSW art gallery where she was immediately drawn to the Moreton Bay Fig Trees and often sat beneath sketching. The inclusion of both paintings and drawings into this exhibition pays homage to her that first investigations into the landscape as a child with just a pen and sketchbook in hand.